Committing to 2021 like...

Happy new year from Catskill, NY!

I’ve taken a few days to decompress from 2020 and shift gears into 2021. You?

Over the last few weeks I’ve been working with practices to get clear on my purpose & commitments for a fulfilling and joyful 2021, and beyond. I’m not talking about hazy intentions or aspirational affirmations; I’m talking about concrete, actionable commitments.

My core commitment this year is to do my best to fulfill every ounce of my potential in a way that’s actively aligned with the values of expansion (practicing curiosity, nurturing creativity, making space for relentless learning, adventure and spiritual growth) and harmony (cultivating balance within myself and my work, equity within my community & society, and sustainability for mama earth) — and to support others to do the same.

My specific commitments are to:

  • Learn relentlessly with an open mind and humble heart.

  • Serve and expand my family and community to the greatest of my capacity.

  • Cultivate the land on which I live in the most sustainable manner available (read more about this journey here).

  • Care for my body and spirit through consistent creative & spiritual practice.

  • Tend to my home to create a reliably calm and nurturing physical environment.

  • Engage within my community in a way that helps to advance the agenda of those leading the fight for equity and justice.

  • Expand my coaching and teaching practices according to my core values and a compensation scale that reflects my worth and commitment to equity.

  • Support the growth of Hany’s Harvest (the wellness business I help my husband run) to become a leading source of wellness products nationwide and a consistent component of a rich and gratifying livelihood.

When I started writing this the last two bullets — the ‘livelihood’ commitments — were first. I intentionally moved them down, because I’ve learned that everything else is key to my having the fuel to operate in my work in a way that’s grounded and aligned with my values.

What are some of your commitments & values for 2021? I’d love to hear from you!

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